I was guilty of burying those feelings…several times throughout my life. I made excuses, told myself one day maybe I’ll be brave enough… until I decided to make one day into day one.

I quit my secure corporate NYC job to backpack around the world. 

I grew a multiple six figure business with no knowledge about how to start a business and very a few hundred dollars in the bank.

I stepped forward into the light confessing to my husband I wanted to embrace a life of polyamory. 

And most recently, I announced to the world my intuitive abilities. Something I have feared for so long… but I am owning the fact that I am different and I am Unapologetically Me.

Finding clarity and living your true purpose is the most pivotal thing you can do to thrive forward and curate your dream life.

So often when we yearn for something more it’s because deep in our subconscious we have buried what we really want.

Maybe we feel it’s safer that way, perhaps we believe it’s a judgement free zone or we don’t even know what we really want but we know it’s something different than our current life.



- Wake up every morning with a life that GENUINELY makes you happy
- Heal your past, and step into your power
- Curate and implement the roadmap to your dream life
- Walk with your head held high and confidence radiating from you
- Live with intention and ease
- Create a life with full clarity and intention
- Leave a lasting legacy

I am here to help you:

If what you are reading resonates to your soul or begins to ignite a spark inside of you, I am ready to welcome you into my magnetic vortex; where barriers are broken down, fears are faced and released, yearnings are recognized and accepted and where your dreams become your reality. 

Let’s do this! If interested in learning more about my offerings please contact me.  

“If you resist change, you resist life.”

- Sadhguru